Theme sections

Explore the Theme Settings, your hub for comprehensive global customization options that define the overall aesthetic and functionality of your online store.

1. Layout
Page Width
  • Description: Adjust the width of the entire page.
  • Settings: Slider to set the width in pixels (px).
  • Default: 1340 px.
  • Button Corner Radius: Adjust the roundness of button corners.
  • Input Corner Radius: Adjust the roundness of input fields.
  • Block Corner Radius: Adjust the roundness of blocks.
  • Menu and Drawer Radius: Adjust the roundness of menus and drawers.
  • Settings: Sliders to set radius in pixels (px).
2. Colors
  • Description: Predefined color schemes for the website.
  • Settings: Choose from available schemes or add a new scheme.
  • Color Scheme: Choose a color scheme for the drawer.
  • Settings: Dropdown menu to change the scheme.
3. Typography
Heading Text
  • Font: Select a font for headings.
  • Font Size Scale: Adjust the scale of the font size for headings.
Body Text
  • Font: Select a font for body text.
  • Font Size Scale: Adjust the scale of the font size for body text.
Button Text
  • Font: Select a font for button text.
  • Font Size Scale: Adjust the scale of the font size for button text.
4. Currency Format
Currency Codes
  • Show Currency Codes: Option to always show currency codes (e.g., $1.00 USD).
  • Settings: Checkbox.
5. Animation
Enable Animation
  • Description: Toggle animations on the website.
  • Settings: Checkbox.
Slide Duration
  • Description: Adjust the duration of slide transitions.
  • Settings: Slider to set duration in milliseconds (ms).
  • Default: 600 ms.

6. Social Media
  • Description: Add or search for social media links.
  • Platforms: Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Snapchat, YouTube, Vimeo.
  • Settings: Input fields for each platform.
7. Product Card
Show Vendor
  • Description: Display the vendor name on product cards.
  • Settings: Checkbox.
Show Secondary Image on Hover
  • Description: Display a secondary image when hovering over a product.
  • Settings: Checkbox.
Show Quick View
  • Description: Enable quick view for products.
  • Settings: Checkbox.
  • Quick Buy Button: Options for quick buy button style (Stacked, Overlay, None).
Show Quick View
  • Description: Show quick Buy for products.
  • Settings: Checkbox.
Show Product Rating
  • Description: Display product ratings.
  • Settings: Checkbox.
Image Ratio

Description: Set the image ratio for product images.

  • Settings: Dropdown menu (Square, Custom).
Image Fit
  • Description: Adjust how the product image fits within its container.
  • Settings: Options for Contain or Cover.
Offer Text
  • Show Offer Text: Display text for offers.
  • Settings: Checkbox.
  • Image Background Color: Color code for the background.
  • Offer Text Color: Color code for the offer text.

Discount Format

  • Product card discount text format and text color can be choosed
8. Badges
Show Sale Badge
  • Description: Display a badge for items on sale.
  • Settings: Checkbox.
  • Position: Set the position of the badge (Top Left, etc.).
Sale Badge
  • Background Color: Color code for sale badge background.
  • Text Color: Color code for sale badge text.
Soldout Badge
  • Background Color: Color code for soldout badge background.
  • Text Color: Color code for soldout badge text.
  • Sale Badge Type: Options for Sale, Percentage off, Saved amount.
9. Search
Enable Predictive Search Results
  • Description: Control predictive search results.
  • Settings: Checkbox.
  • Show Price: Display product prices in search results.
  • Settings: Checkbox.
  • Show Image: Display article images in search results.
  • Show Author: Display article authors.
  • Show Title: Display article titles.
  • Show Date: Display article dates.
  • Show Content: Display article content.
  • Settings: Checkboxes for each option.

10. Cart
Cart Type
  • Description: Choose between a cart page or drawer.
  • Settings: Radio buttons (Page, Drawer).
Empty Button Link
  • Description: Set the link for the empty cart button.
  • Settings: Input field to paste a link.
Dynamic Checkout Buttons
  • Description: Show dynamic checkout buttons.
  • Settings: Checkbox.
Show Product Vendor
  • Description: Display the vendor name in the cart.
  • Settings: Checkbox.
Show Order Note
  • Description: Allow customers to add order notes.
  • Settings: Checkbox.
Free Shipping Bar
  • Description: Show a progress bar for free shipping.
  • Settings: Input fields to set minimum amount and configure text colors.
  • Free Shipping Minimum Amount: Set the minimum amount for free shipping.
  • Text & Bar Color: Color code for text and bar.
  • Background Color: Color code for the background.
11. Favicon
  • Description: Set an image for the favicon.
  • Settings: Upload or select an image (32x32 px recommended).
12. Advanced
Show back to Top
  • Description: Enable a scroll to top button.
  • Settings: Checkbox and options to set button position (Left, Right).
  • Arrow Color: Color code for the arrow.
  • Background Color: Color code for the button background.
13. Custom CSS
Custom Styles
  • Description: Add custom CSS styles for the entire online store.
  • Settings: Text area to input custom CSS code.
  1. Change theme style
  • Option used to change your theme style
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