Before & After

Before and After Theme Editor Documentation
The "Before and After" section allows you to showcase the difference between two images by using a slider. This feature is perfect for highlighting product transformations, such as skincare results, interior design makeovers, or any before-and-after comparisons.
Section-Level Settings
Once you have added the section, you can configure the overall appearance and functionality:
Full Width
Toggle Full Width: Enable or disable full-width display for the section.
Image Size
Select Image Size: Choose between Small, Medium, Large, Adapt to image, Fill screen to set the display size of your images.
Before/After Image Position
Position Options: Select either Left or Right to place the slider's initial position.
- Padding Top: Adjust the top padding (in pixels) to create space above the section.
Padding Bottom: Adjust the bottom padding (in pixels) to create space below the section.
Color Scheme
- Edit Color Scheme: Customize the color scheme to match your theme. This includes:
- Background Color: Set the background color for the section.
- Arrow Color: Choose the color for the slider arrows.
Block Settings
Slider Image Block
Image Selection
- Before Image: Upload the "Before" image. Recommended size: 2880 x 1280px (Large), 740 x 1100px (Mobile).
After Image: Upload the "After" image. Recommended size: 2880 x 1280px (Large), 740 x 1100px (Mobile).
Before/After Text Position
Text Position: Choose to display the before and after texts at the Top or Bottom of the images.
Initial Drag Position
Drag Position Slider: Set the initial position of the slider (0 to 100%).
Text Customization
- Before Text: Enter the text to display for the "Before" image.
After Text: Enter the text to display for the "After" image.
Product Linking
Select Product: Link a product to the before image.
Select Product: Link a product to the after image.
Link Behavior
- Open Link In: Choose whether the link opens in a New tab or the Same tab.
Content Block
Background Image
- Select Background Image: Upload an image to use as the background. Recommended size: 1200 x 1200px.
- Overlay Color: Set the overlay color for the background image.
- Overlay Opacity: Adjust the opacity of the overlay (0-100%).
- Text Customization
- Subheading: Enter the subheading text.
- Heading: Enter the heading text.
- Content: Enter the main content text with options to style it (bold, italic, links, lists).
Tips for Best Results
- Use high-quality images to ensure a professional appearance.
- Ensure the before and after images are of the same dimension for a seamless comparison.