Before & After

Before after section settings

Before after Slider block that will show before and after images

Before after content Block settings

Before and After Theme Editor Documentation

The "Before and After" section allows you to showcase the difference between two images by using a slider. This feature is perfect for highlighting product transformations, such as skincare results, interior design makeovers, or any before-and-after comparisons.

Section-Level Settings

Once you have added the section, you can configure the overall appearance and functionality:

  • Full Width

    • Toggle Full Width: Enable or disable full-width display for the section.

      Image Size

    • Select Image Size: Choose between Small, Medium, Large, Adapt to image, Fill screen to set the display size of your images.

      Before/After Image Position

    • Position Options: Select either Left or Right to place the slider's initial position.


    • Padding Top: Adjust the top padding (in pixels) to create space above the section.
    • Padding Bottom: Adjust the bottom padding (in pixels) to create space below the section.

      Color Scheme

    • Edit Color Scheme: Customize the color scheme to match your theme. This includes:
    • Background Color: Set the background color for the section.
  • Arrow Color: Choose the color for the slider arrows.

Block Settings

Slider Image Block

  • Image Selection
    • Before Image: Upload the "Before" image. Recommended size: 2880 x 1280px (Large), 740 x 1100px (Mobile).
    • After Image: Upload the "After" image. Recommended size: 2880 x 1280px (Large), 740 x 1100px (Mobile).

      Before/After Text Position
    • Text Position: Choose to display the before and after texts at the Top or Bottom of the images.

      Initial Drag Position
    • Drag Position Slider: Set the initial position of the slider (0 to 100%).

      Text Customization
    • Before Text: Enter the text to display for the "Before" image.
    • After Text: Enter the text to display for the "After" image.

      Product Linking
    • Select Product: Link a product to the before image.

      Select Product: Link a product to the after image.

      Link Behavior
      • Open Link In: Choose whether the link opens in a New tab or the Same tab.

Content Block

  • Background Image

    • Select Background Image: Upload an image to use as the background. Recommended size: 1200 x 1200px.
  • Overlay Color: Set the overlay color for the background image.
  • Overlay Opacity: Adjust the opacity of the overlay (0-100%).
  • Text Customization
    • Subheading: Enter the subheading text.
    • Heading: Enter the heading text.
    • Content: Enter the main content text with options to style it (bold, italic, links, lists).

Tips for Best Results

  • Use high-quality images to ensure a professional appearance.
  • Ensure the before and after images are of the same dimension for a seamless comparison.
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