Recently viewed products

The Recently Viewed Products section shows items customers have looked at recently. It helps them find and revisit products easily. You can customize how many products are shown, the layout (grid or carousel), and the design to match your store.

Recently viewed products section settings

  • Important Note: You should visit some products in Theme Editor so that you will be able to see the section and see the setting changes you make.

Settings Overview

  1. Heading:
    • Label: Set the heading of the section. In this case, it is "Recently viewed products."
    • Customizable: You can rename the section by simply typing your desired heading.

  1. Maximum Products to Show:
  • Slider Control: Adjust the number of recently viewed products to display.
  • Default: The current setting shows 5 products. Adjust the slider to increase or decrease this number as needed.

  1. Layout Options:
  • Carousel: Select this layout for a horizontally scrollable display.
  • Grid: Choose this option to display products in a static grid format.

  1. Grid Settings:
  • Number of Columns on Desktop: Choose between 3, 4, or 5 columns for product display on desktop devices.
  • Number of Columns on Mobile: Choose between 1 or 2 columns for mobile device display.

  1. Appearance Settings:
  • Padding:
    • Padding Top and Bottom: Adjust the top and bottom padding using the slider (default set to 52px).
  • Border:
    • Visibility: You can choose to hide the border or set it to full-width or fixed-width display.
    • Position: Specify whether the border should appear on both the top and bottom, or just on one side.

Color Scheme:

  • Scheme 1: Allows you to change and customize the color scheme to match your store’s branding. To edit, click "Edit" or "Change" to update colors via the theme settings.
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